Dates & Schedule

The Cork Conference for 2024 will happen in person. You are warmly invited to join us in County Cork between the 15th and the 18th of March.


DV, the following speakers will minister to us during the conference:
▪ Mr Craig Munro (ministry)
▪ Mr Jeremy Holifield (ministry)
▪ Mr Ken Totton (ministry)
▪ Mr Ian Rees (report)
▪ Mr Robert Plant (Children's meeting)

Joining the conference

The conference will be held at Riverside Gospel Hall on the 15th, and in Bandon Grammar school the other days (including on St Patrick's day. Please find more information below.

General Information

The St Patrick's Day Conference is a Christian conference organised by Convenors from the assemblies of Skibbereen, Bandon and Cork. 2024 will be the 78th annual St. Patrick's Day Conference. We warmly invite you to join us to learn from the Word of God and we pray that the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ abide with you day by day until his coming again. This year the conference will focus on the topic of Family.

Dates & Schedule

The 2024 Cork St Patrick's Day Conference will start on the 15th of March and conclude on the 18th. Daily program and times:

Friday 15th March
from 8pm to 9pm
@ Riverside Gospel Hall
Ministry of the word of God.

Saturday 16th March
from 4.30pm to 6pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Ministry of the word of God.

from 7pm to 8pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Ministry of the word of God.

Sunday 17th March
▪ Skibbereen Gospel Hall from 11am to 12:15pm
▪ Bandon Gospel Hall from 11am to 12:30pm
▪ Cork Gospel Hall from 9am to 10:15pm
open time to eat and travel to Bandon Grammar School
from 3.30pm to 5.30pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Ministry of the word of God.
(Children's meeting held simultaneously)

from 7pm to 8:30pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Ministry of the word of God and Gospel preaching.

Monday 18th March
from 10.30am to 12.30pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Bible Reading
subject: Colossians Chapter 3 v 12 - 25

Interval for Lunch
from 2.30pm to 4.30pm
@ Bandon Grammar School
Ministry of the Word
(Children's meeting held simultaneously)


During the 2024 Cork St Patrick's Day Conference the following speakers will minister to us:
Mr Craig Munro (ministry)
Mr Jeremy Holifield (ministry)
Mr Ken Totton (ministry)
Mr Ian Rees (report)
Mr Robert Plant (Children's meeting)

Joining the conference

The 2024 conference will happen in person. Diverse accommodations are available in the area. If you require help or have any difficulties getting your accommodation for the conference, you can contact us on this website.

A very warm welcome awaits you in Bandon. We pray that our gatherings, under the sound of God's Word, will result in deepening our spiritual experience as we enjoy the Lord's presence and warm fellowship one with another.

Listen to past conferences

Recordings for the past conferences are available on diverse platforms. We have audio and sometimes video recordings available.

2023 Conference recordings: (audio only) can be found here.

2022 Conference: No Conference was held, no recording available.

2021 Conference recordings: (audio and video) can be found here. You can also use the youtube playlist available here to watch the videos.

Recordings from conferences prior 2021 are not available.